Sunday, January 31, 2010

After the Swim and a walk around the rocks, we decided to go for a ride north towards the Wharf and Old Settlement Beach

We stopped at the SIGNAL POINT lookout first , then cycled on to check out " Island Trader " the biweekly Supply Ship at the Jetty . There are always plenty of bike racks all over the place and everyone just leaves their helmets and personal things in the bike basket , A very trusting place .

The shed at the Wharf is still the same one that Sir Francis Chichester had use to repaired his biplane in after it was damaged by a storm . This was years ago well before he was famous for around the world sailing records .We went further down the road and were feeling a bit lazy and didnt ride up the Hill to check out ' Ocean View '

We made a note to come back this way for afternoon tea one day at a place that a dyslectic cameraman like myself thought was Rajilla ,, could never find it in the phone book ,,,,,,,, It turned out to be Crajilla ...

Then we cycled back to Humpty Micks Cafe for a fine lunch and a cold beer .

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